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Who Are The Props?
The Props are a group of very talented musicians that came together to deliver a high energy performance
with songs you love. We are also dedicated to finding those songs you love that all the other cover bands
out there seem to have forgotten!
Founded in 2010, our lineup is:
Eric Olsen - Vocals, Guitar - An in your face ax-man who can shred and croon like a mofo, Eric keeps the
rest of us in line.
Kristen Olsen - Vocals, Percussion - Not just a pretty face, but also a uber-talented singer, artist and
performer. You can also catch Kristen when she's not performing at her art gallery, The O Gallery, in
Beachwood, at La Place.
Dawn Olsen - Vocals, Percussion, - Dawn is a shameless performer who enjoys
entertaining the crowd. She's dangerous!
Eric Farnan - vocals, bass - Holding down the bottom end and keeping things grooving!
Mike Black - Keys - Bringing an electronic element to our lineup, Mike is as cheerful as he is determined.
David Patterson - Drums - We might be biased, but Dave is one heck of a great drummer!
Cool... Funky... Fresh... Music... and Stuff!